About This Live Project

Sheffield Homes is an Arms Length Management Organisation (ALMO) set up and owned by Sheffield City Council to manage council housing in Sheffield. As our client, Sheffield Homes offered us a list of potential project briefs for us to choose from, all of which deal with important issues and concerns regarding the current council housing stock in Sheffield. Our group decided to embark upon developing innovative solutions to address the important issue of waste disposal in flatted council estates. Our hope is that our efforts can offer strong design initiatives on the topic whilst creating awareness and incentive on the importance of recycling and proper disposal of household waste.

Tuesday 14 October 2008

growing vegetables and keeping animals, some links

(image from Flickr http://flickr.com/photos/hippie/2451461151/)

If we are going down the route of exploring an integrated, uber-local, waste processing and management as indicated in Sarah's latest post, then it's worth looking into PERMACULTURE.

There is a good intro to permaculture on Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permaculture.
There is also a 26 min video, the Quiet Revolution on http://www.21paradigm.com/permaculture.php

More Permaculture Links:
Permaculture Association (Britain) http://www.permaculture.org.uk/default.asp
Permaculture Institute http://www.permaculture.org/nm/index.php/site/classroom/. From this website, the link to the Polyface Farms http://www.polyfacefarms.com/ where various species of grazing animals, including pigs are used to maximise soil fertility.

Looking into Urban Farming might also provide useful references & examples http://www.cityfarmer.info/. Look at the England section http://www.cityfarmer.info/category/england/

In Sheffield, Heeley City Farm http://www.heeleyfarm.org.uk/ has been active for a number of years, doing a range of interesting projects. One of the things they run is 'apprentiship'/volunteering programs for local kids to work in the farm. If you have never been there it is really worth a visit to see how kids (largely teen agers) that would normally fall into the 'difficult' category, appear competent and empowered through working in the farm.
Perhaps it is worth exploring the possibility of linking any waste management/processing intervention proposed with training programmes.

It would be interesting talking to Heeley City Farm to find out more about those training programs as well as the management of animals on urban sites. Perhaps they would be interested in running/coordinating satellites mini farms base on various estates....

It is also worth noting that Sheffield is currrently try to become a Transition Town http://www.transitionsheffield.org.uk/.

"The Transition Towns movement aims to
find positive community-based responses to climate change and the end of cheap

Tonight (14th October) there is a screening in Burngreave of the film The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil.

1 comment:

Sarah Bryan said...

I keep chickens...they are a lot of hard work...not sure how a community as large as Lansdowne would handle keeping animals.

It is an interesting concept though...and what happened to our 'common land' anyway?